

Hey guys, long time no post! The board kind of dried up for the summer, but it seems to be getting a bit more activity now.

Sybil and Dave - I'm jealous of you guys because I really miss my days at the Spectrum. It was such a fun job and I had such cool co-workers. And Dave, the section editors actually get paid pretty decent so if you like it, I'd suggest sticking around and applying in the future. It's not hard to work your way up around there.

Helene - are you still moving to Rochester? If so, when? I am in desperate need of a friend down here! I miss the college lifestyle in general. Being in the working class sucks! How's that for eloquent? Hey, does anyone here have an ipod? I want to get one, but I'm not sure if I should wait until something better comes out.

Well, you guys keep me posted on life at NDSU. Reading new posts makes me happy. :)


Dave, that's cool that you are going to be a news writer.... yea, not a lot of people know you get PAID. Some freshman came in today to write for the Sports section, and he was shocked. It's funny to me.

As for advertising the BisonBlog, I need to wait until our server space is set up. Would hate to advertise and then have to move people to a new system right after they get on this one. I am planning on making posters and doing the listserv thing again, but like I said, I am going to wait.

Plus, I am doing another one month study. This one'll be in October. Oooffta.

Helene, I'll be sure to tell Tom you appreciated his TA column.

My class blog for this semester can be found here.

I went into the Spectrum office today to see about writing a column. Sybil wasn't there but the news editor, who happens to have her computer next to the door, managed to snag me. Therefore I am now a news writer. Oh well, perhaps I'll still have time to write an opinion column. Oh yeah, why didn't anybody tell me that they pay people for articles! I would've been on this a long time ago had I known that. It's almost as if getting paid is some sort of well kept secret that only the initiated get to know about. Anyway, I suppose there is some merit in the fact that I wanted to write even if they didn't pay me.

Has anybody notice that Dr. O'Connor looks like Santa Claus? He seems pretty jolly too.

We need to get some advertising out for the Bison Blog; ads in the Spectrum, posters around campus, radio spots, t.v. spots, giant billboards, clothing lines, beaming our blogs directly into peoples brains, then world domination! Muhahahahaha!*cough*

God Bless

Discrete Dave<><


Well, I am about to add all my students to Blogger. This should be a busy semester for me.. three classes AND the Spectrum AND my thesis research. Goodness!

Good luck to all of you this week.. and if you could tell people that the Spectrum needs writers.. and the BisonBlog is always looking for more bloggers... Oh, we SHOULD be on an NDSU server very very very soon. Cool beans, eh?


It's obvious school is about to start when it's impossible to get on web ALFI and what are they doing getting rid of phone ALFI? Bah, I just want to print out my schedule :(

Classes begin tomorrow. I pray everybody else out there at least knows where they have to be.

God Bless

Discrete Dave<><

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