

Social Darwinism is sick. We can not let people suffer and die merely because they aren't good enough. We can tell ourselves all we want that people suffer in this world because they are weaker than us but once we're on the chopping block we won't see it that way. The day may come when we have to fight for a job tooth and nail. When we find ourselves in the gutter is it going to be a consolation that by our deaths we will allow society to progress to greater heights? No, and that is why NDSU cares about its students.

I see no reason why NDSU shouldn't care about it's students. If they die who will pay they're tuition? Who will go out into the world and show off how great a school NDSU is? NDSU has to care about the future of its students because the students are an investment for the school just as much as school is an investment for students. NDSU is selling an intangible product, we can not judge its quality by feeling it in our hands. Students can not return their education if they don't like it. That means that NDSU has to be sure that a large percentage of students are going out into the world to show off the education that they have received. Perhaps NDSU actually cares about its students. We're assuming that since Joseph Chapman is the president of the university that he is NDSU. I hear from close friends of the Chapman's that Joseph is an extremely caring fellow. He must be a decent fellow since he does have a hand in every professor hired at NDSU.

Joseph Chapman may not have directly hired every professor at NDSU but he arbitrates some of the policy that is used in deciding candidates, plus he decides who is going to be the head of each department. If the professors are amazing than we can infer that the people who hired them must have cared enough to discern which individuals are amazing thus we can imply that since Joseph Chapman hired these people that he cares enough to hire people who care as well. Through a little bit of logic we can see that NDSU, assuming the president represents NDSU, cares about the English department. I'll get to the part about helping people with self destructive tendencies because I'm going to the new Harry Potter.

I'm loving the weather.

God Bless

Discrete Dave <><


One of the things that might be fueling NDSU's crusade against drinking is that ND has the highest rate of binge drinking in the U.S.

Kristi, good luck with you new job in Rochester. What do do you do there? Are you doing web design or something associated with it like graphics?

Aww man, I'm tired. It's taking me a while to get used to waking every morning at 7 then counting beans all day. In fact the transition from having frequent breaks in between classes has been a bit painful. I figure I'll either get used to it or have a nervous break down.

I'm off to make Super Burritos for supper.

God Bless

Discrete Dave<><


Hey everyone,
I haven't posted in a while. I haven't had Internet access in a while. Oh well. Anyway graduation felt like a movie, and I may have landed my dream job at a web design place in Rochester. Sweet. I haven't had time to read much of the blog, but picked up a couple things here and there.
Sybil- I miss you and the rest of the Turf gang. Tell everyone I say hi. I'm drinking a Miller Lite right now for you and toasting our fun times.
Jeremiah- Finger Eleven are great. I'm a longtime fan, and that song is awesome.
Timberwolves- what the hell? A few minutes left in the last quarter and you're falling apart! That's all I have to say about that. Now back to the game.

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