Thank You Thursday
I want to thank my Dad, Bryce, and Jenilee for keeping my birthday going for the past three weekends. I've never had a birthday last so long.
I'd like to thank Sybil for starting the Bison Blog and reminding me how much I enjoy writing(even if have bad grammar).
Free Friday
Campus wild-life
The squirrels are now out in abundance around campus. They're busy stealing about the sidewalks and dashing up the trees. Are they searching for food? Out for a jog? Working for Al Qaeda? I've never been quite certain but they're always out there doing something...
God Bless
Discrete Dave<><
I want to thank my Dad, Bryce, and Jenilee for keeping my birthday going for the past three weekends. I've never had a birthday last so long.
I'd like to thank Sybil for starting the Bison Blog and reminding me how much I enjoy writing(even if have bad grammar).
Free Friday
Campus wild-life
The squirrels are now out in abundance around campus. They're busy stealing about the sidewalks and dashing up the trees. Are they searching for food? Out for a jog? Working for Al Qaeda? I've never been quite certain but they're always out there doing something...
God Bless
Discrete Dave<><
Weird Wednesday
The tornado siren going off today when it was particularly windy was weird. Especially when my international politics teacher got a little concerned that there may actually be a tornado going on.
It was weird at work today because everybody was eerily quiet. It felt ominous. Actually the whole day has felt ominous: black clouds, strong winds, and eerie silence.
A large Y shaped foot, similar to a birds foot except there was no bird, stepped on my car as well.
God Bless
Discrete Dave<><
The tornado siren going off today when it was particularly windy was weird. Especially when my international politics teacher got a little concerned that there may actually be a tornado going on.
It was weird at work today because everybody was eerily quiet. It felt ominous. Actually the whole day has felt ominous: black clouds, strong winds, and eerie silence.
A large Y shaped foot, similar to a birds foot except there was no bird, stepped on my car as well.
God Bless
Discrete Dave<><
Lactose interolerance, ugh, dreadful! If I had lactose interolerance I would not be the Dave you have all come to know and/or love today. I love milk, I walk around my apartment with a gallon of milk in my hand, drinking from it as I go about my daily routine.
I did a quick search for Drupal and I found this.
For those who don't feeling like going over to the site here's a quote that gives a quick overview of the software:
"Drupal is an open-source platform and content management system for building dynamic web sites offering a broad range of features and services including user administration, publishing workflow, discussion capabilities, news aggregation, metadata functionalities using controlled vocabularies and XML publishing for content sharing purposes. Equipped with a powerful blend of features and configurability, Drupal can support a diverse range of web projects ranging from personal weblogs to large community-driven sites."
God Bless
Discrete Dave<><
I did a quick search for Drupal and I found this.
For those who don't feeling like going over to the site here's a quote that gives a quick overview of the software:
"Drupal is an open-source platform and content management system for building dynamic web sites offering a broad range of features and services including user administration, publishing workflow, discussion capabilities, news aggregation, metadata functionalities using controlled vocabularies and XML publishing for content sharing purposes. Equipped with a powerful blend of features and configurability, Drupal can support a diverse range of web projects ranging from personal weblogs to large community-driven sites."
God Bless
Discrete Dave<><
Dang it. They beat us to it.?? Well, sort of. The BisonBlog isn't about everyone having a personal blog and that's it. Oh no no no, senor, it is about us bloggers blogging together. Yes. A community. Congrats to them, but I still feel I/we am/are onto something a tad bit different.
Oh, do any of you know about Drupal...?.. some software that's sort of like a discussionboard and a weblog had a baby. Well, that's my thought on it. Kevin's been blabbing about it, and that's the software we'll use when we jump over to a NDSU server... HOPEFULLY when I return from the south.
As for Monday's topic: I remember when I could drink milk and NOT get lactose cramps (think Meg Ryan on French Kiss).
Oh, do any of you know about Drupal...?.. some software that's sort of like a discussionboard and a weblog had a baby. Well, that's my thought on it. Kevin's been blabbing about it, and that's the software we'll use when we jump over to a NDSU server... HOPEFULLY when I return from the south.
As for Monday's topic: I remember when I could drink milk and NOT get lactose cramps (think Meg Ryan on French Kiss).
Holy cow!
Did it ever get lonesome on the BisonBlog this past week. I got caught up in playin some video game in the little spare time that I have that I forgot to check in on the BisonBlog. Sorry, I'll try to get on here at least once a day for the rest of the week. Scouts honor.
I saw two whole movies in the theatre this weekend. Exciting! Uh, they were umm Starsky and Hutch and Hellboy. Starsky and Hutch was a decent movie but Hellboy was a lot more fun. Both movies were cheesy so don't go to either movie when your in a particularly intelligent mood.
I best be going to bed.
Good night all.
God Bless
Discrete Dave<><
p.s. I was never a boy scout.
Did it ever get lonesome on the BisonBlog this past week. I got caught up in playin some video game in the little spare time that I have that I forgot to check in on the BisonBlog. Sorry, I'll try to get on here at least once a day for the rest of the week. Scouts honor.
I saw two whole movies in the theatre this weekend. Exciting! Uh, they were umm Starsky and Hutch and Hellboy. Starsky and Hutch was a decent movie but Hellboy was a lot more fun. Both movies were cheesy so don't go to either movie when your in a particularly intelligent mood.
I best be going to bed.
Good night all.
God Bless
Discrete Dave<><
p.s. I was never a boy scout.