

Kristi: I am working/training in at USBank. I'm using it to keep busy and make money this summer. I may keep it during the school year for extra dough because they let you bring stuff to read/do when it's slow. So far, it's been cool. And the people I am training with are awesome. We'll see I suppose...

Favorite Concert: Well, I just saw Prince the other weekend with my sis in the cities which was amazing (I hadn't been to the Energy Center yet either), BUT my most favorite was Dido. I saw her with some former students at the Hard Rock Concert Hall in Vegas the summer before I started graduate school. I was about 5 feet from her, and she was perfect live. I sang every word with her and I didn't even care that my feet started to hurt from standing. Plus, I paid for my students to come with me, and for four of us it was a little over $200. They ended up being converted!

Here's my question, what's your favorite summer smell?
Summer Smell I Love: BBQ. When you smell that, you know it's summer. We are cooking up some meat tonight, and I am so excited.


Sybil - where are you working? I ask because I worked at a call center last summer and I'm wondering if it is the same place. I miss summer volleyball....

My current summer song: "California Songs" by Local H. That guy has a bad attitude, and I love it. Talk about sentimental; Local H were the very first concert I ever went to. I was 15, and I drove 7 hours from Mandan to Minneapolis to see them at First Ave. That leads into another good topic for you bloggers: What was your first concert? Best concert? Best for me would be NIN and a perfect circle in april 2000. My two favorite people - Trent Reznor and Maynard James Keenan - in one great concert. Wow. Close runner-ups: Stone Temple Pilots, AFI, the Pixies.
Hey all.
Thought I'd get on here today. I even put it on my to-do list. That's crazy!

So, working at this call center may be pretty cool after all. I guess we take calls all day, and time flies when I am on the phone.. I know that much. What's insane to me is this: We are going through more training (two weeks worth) whereas when I became a high school teacher, I had NONE. Taking a phone call versus teaching young minds.. which is more important people!!! Insanity!

Anyhow, glad you two (Kristi and Helene) are going to be able to hook up later on! Cool beans. Two BisonBloggers meeting up. Cool, cool. Helene, I'd love to meet you before you leave btw :-)

Meanwhile.. answers to questions- Helene, I am thinking you are talking about the self-tanning stuff (maybe) and I tell ya that I love my Maybelline stuff. It's not orange nor expensive. It smells a little different, but not bad. I use vanilla lotion over the top to make it all smell just fine. And if you are talking about regular tanning stuff, I have used it all and I think the generic stuff works as well as the name-brand.

Okay. I think that's all I got today. That and the fact that there should be an option on credit card company 1-800 numbers that says: "Press five if you are really pissed off."

Off to summer league sand volleyball! Weee!


Helene - definately email me! It's pretty rough being new in a town where you dont know anyone. I haven't gone to any bars or coffee shops yet, so I can't offer any insight on that, but I'd be glad to explore the scene if you ever want to go out. I work at a small company and most of my coworkers are married and settled down, so no one wants to hang out. You are right about everyone working at IBM and Mayo. One good thing: I hear the winters arent nearly as harsh in Rochester as they are in Fargo. I had a little trouble finding an apartment because there are so many completely crappy ones around here, so expect to pay a bit for a decent one. I can email you a couple places to check out for that though too. Anyway klang@ndsuspectrum.com works for now, so feel free to email me!


Helene - that is great that you are moving to Rochester! Then I will (kind of) know someone in my own town. I got a job there too and started a few weeks ago. It isn't a bad place; actually it's a lot like Fargo but more people in a smaller area. Where did you get a job?



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