

Well, I do believe my month's study is over. Now I get the lovely job (yet geekingly fun job) of turning
the English language into mathematical statistics and charts which'll be interesting, to say the least. I have a basic chart to start from, so off I go into the wild blue yonder of coding words and paragraphs and parenthesis. Goal for this weekend: Code the first week as best I can. Then meet with Doc Salting. Then code some more. Hopefully, have coding finished up with beautifully put together charts by Spring Break so that over Break I can start to write about the charts and findings and analysis.

I am a geek.


You are all so.. genuine and... wow. That's all I got.

So, for my Freebie Friday... I'd like to just cross my fingers that our gathering tonight is fun and successful without any bananas in my fish tank or plants crashing to the floor. I'd also like to say that beauticians are awesome but put way too much hairspray into my hair. And, for my extra day this year (its a leap year.. added day = Sunday!), I think I'll reward myself and also work.. sleep in and do my thesis chart. Hopefully, being in my pjs all day will work with this plan as well.

Have a Happy Leap Year, you lovely BisonBloggers!


I couldn't even remember what topic I had given today. Thirsty Thursday last week must have really gotten to me. Anyhoo-

Thank YOU Thursday:
^Thanks A.D. (initials are used to sort of protect the weird people I know) for going and talking to this guy that A.P. likes because A.P. is chicken. She said so herself.
^Thanks to my hairstylist yesterday for making all my highlights even, and for agreeing to do my hair on Friday because I am too lazy.
^Thanks to Kelly. You rule as an instructor.
^Thanks to Kevin for giving me options for next year. I think he just wants me to stick around so he doesn't feel like a blog-geek by himself.
^Thanks to all of you wonder BisonBloggers. Seriously. I am rarely serious, because I am weird. And Dave, you might be on to something. That is what Sybil thinks. She also needs something to drink before class.

Mmmm Iced Mochas.


Looks like it's Wednesday but not just any Wednesday it's Ash Wednesday. I feel kind of foolish not knowing precisely why Christians celebrate Ash Wednesday, but I do expect to find out before the day is through. I think that Ash Wednesday is the day Jesus entered Jerusalem or is that Palm Sunday? Ugh, I don't remember all I know is that the Palms from Palm Sunday are burned and then the Ashes are put on peoples forehead in the sign of the cross for some reason which, I again, can't remember. Anyway, the Ash Wednesday service starts at 12:15 and goes to 12:45, it's in the Ballroom of the Memorial Union, and they're giving away free food. Also, it is being put on by the ULC(the people who graciously gave me a place to live) so it would be great if everybody could attend.

Weird thought:
If a person is only capable of weird thoughts and they have a normal thought would that not mean they experienced a weird thought.

Another one:
What if you walked into a store that sold only bananas and you bought an orange?

Another one:
If the sun was blue and the sky was yellow I would be green.

Last one:
What if all the knowledge a person had could be transfered through a hand shake. Say for instance if I shook my friends hand everything I knew would be transfered to him and everything he knew would be transfered to me and I would remember nothing of what I transfered to him. If that were the case I would defintly invest my money in gloves.

Jennifer did that weird thought actually happen or was it just a really good weird thought.

Sybil I think the weirdest thing about your thought is that you refer to yourself in the third person. weird.

God Bless

Discrete Dave<><
Isn't it weird that humans wake up like they are just getting born again... eyeballs are all gooey from sleep, the stomach is empty, and the muscles in the body feel like they have never been used...

Other Weird Stuff:
*It's weird that Charles can't sleep because I couldn't a few weeks ago. WHO will it hit next?
*It's weird and hard to figure out how to explain to someone you don't know what you are doing and how it will benefit them. It's weird to ask for a job but know that they won't have to pay you.
*Weirdness of last night: Last singer of American Idol sings. Sybil is like: Wow. After the song, Sybil has goosepimples. Sybil says to other sister who got her addicted to American Idol: "Amen."

| I am weird and I say weird things all the time. So, basically, Wednesdays occur a lot in my life. |

*Here's another weird thought: It's Ash Wednesday (so I have been told). So, to all those practicing Catholics out there, should I say: "Happy Ash Wednesday"? Or is that too weird? I'm a non-practicing Catholic and would actually find that funny. But, then again, I am weird.

I better go now before I get myself into trouble. Does anyone out there want the feature of RSS feeds on this site (besides Jeremiah)? I am thinking of adding it... hmph.


Thanks for the input, Chuck. I am pretty sure the conflict is both.. maybe.

Ticked OFF Tuesday:
1.I am ticked off at myself for not putting out the trash last night. Now I'll have to hurry home after class to make sure that that gets picked up. Erg.
2.I am ticked off, or rather shocked, over what I heard this morning on the radio. Kim Cattrell and Sarah Jessica Parker don't get along "in real life." In fact, they, some big producing people, are in a conflict (maybe this is the conflict in my dreams?) over whether to do a movie about SATC because of that. Erf!
3.I am ticked off that I have an addiction to Iced Mochas in the mornings when I teach. Damn you caffeine!

I guess I only have three today. Either that, or I unconsciously just want to go get my Iced Mocha before class.


I remember the last time I saw a blonde woman in a red top and blue jeans come into my life and ruin it. Granted, it was time for the relationship to be over, but she didn't honor its "proper" ending. Anyhow, I flashed backed to that last night. It's amazing what images can do to a person's memory.

I just remembered my dream. We were at war with some country. My parents and I were figuring out when and how all of us kids would get overseas to safety. For some reason, the safe country was Germany, I think. The image that sits in my head right now is me asking my mom if I can bring my car, and she says no (obviously). It was so weird (should have saved it for Wednesday?).

Dream analysis anyone?


It really helped me out yesterday to not do any thinking after the chaotic week I had. And what better way to not think then to go shopping?

Here's the plan for next week (which'll be emailed to you all shortly). While I need to work on adding features to this site for this week (RSS feed, maybe), I think I'll continue with the daily topics. Everyone gets into those, and I enjoy them too. I'll email and post the daily topics here on our daily site, and if anyone wants to change 'em up in the coming weeks, just let me know on here or via email what you'd like to try out. I think many of you know by now that I am a pretty easy-going person. One thing is for sure, though, we'll keep "Ticked Off Tuesday" for awhile just to help out our frustrations and to be connected to a local radio station, Y94, that does the same thang.

Later dudes.

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